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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

5 for 5

Each week brings something new.

Or a repeat.

For example...

1. Erik seems to think whenever we go to Costco, that means he gets to pull down his pants and pee in the bush.

As I am loading the car.

Or as we are walking into Costco-

He runs ahead...

Then pulls down his pants.

Thanks to Erik, I don't think those bushes will ever be effected by drought. 

2. One day Erik lost his balance and his hand went in the toilet.

It was funny to him at the time.

But each day,

Each conversation,

Each hello to a stranger...

The words flow out of his mouth,

"I put my hand in the toilet"


It is exciting.

3. Activities are fun.

Always with Erik.

Feeding ducks bread. 

The ducks will never be hungry again. 


Because Erik throws the entire slice of bread to the ducks. 

No time to tear off little pieces for this busy boy. 

4. Popcorn.

I know he has popcorn.

So why he runs to his bed and eats it under his covers is a mystery to me.

The room reeks of buttered popcorn. 

Small kernels spread ALL OVER HIS SHEETS....


5. Parent Teacher Conference.

3 kids. 3 Conferences. And Erik.

We start by going to my Kindergartners PTC. 

Meanwhile the kids are running around people.

Dodging them left and right. 

Pulling off books to look at for a fundraiser. 

I am waiting outside the Kindergarten door.

It is time to go inside. 

The teacher asks me,

"Are you stressed?"


I say, "No, I am just herding my cats"  

I have never owned cats. 

But it doesn't seem like it would be easy to keep them all in a small circle for very long.

And so PTC continues.

The last PTC was in the gym.

No they are not supposed to run around.

People cannot hear what the other teachers are saying.

No, the stage is not for stage diving, jumping, catapulting, or acting like "Rocky" after running up a zillion stairs. 

I think they invented clothes so that moms have something to grab a hold of as their children barely slip from their fingers to hold them still.

Bedtime came early that night.

As I was thinking last night about blogging, I realized and learned something. 

About Erik.

Heavenly Father blessed me with this boy and all my wonderful children. 

I broadened my thoughts and realized that I need to learn some things from Erik.

1. To have fun in life.

Erik enjoys EVERY day. 

No matter what happens.

He is always smiling.

2. Let the little things go.

He is the best example of this.

Erik doesn't let things get to him. 

Even when I scream in his face...

He chuckles and runs off.

3. He shows unconditional love. 

He always gives me loves.


Whether I have had a hard day or not.


4. He is very polite. 


"Please mom"

Your welcomes.

Very polite.

5. He has a tremendous spirit about him. 

It is powerful.

People look at him and connect to him instantly.

That is why he is still alive and I haven't beaten him to death.

(That is just a figure of speech of course, I would never hurt my kids)

But when you look in his big brown eyes, all worry, doubt, pain and sorrow seem to melt away. 

And that is why I feel so blessed among many other things for all the children I have. 

They each bring things to our family that I love and cherish them ALL for. 

So to my kids, 

I say, "Thank you. Because of you...I hope, try and will be a better person".

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1 comment:

Heather said...

LOVE that photo booth picture of you two! Great post, Nicole.