Poopy Peanuts
I remember like it was yesterday.
I was downstairs sewing.
We had a jar of shelled peanuts that were almost gone.
My son (#3) had just taken a bath. All clean.
He was only wearing a diaper.
He brought over the jar of peanuts to me and wanted some.
So I opened the lid and he reached in and ate some.
I said, "Can mommy have some?"
So he reached in and fed some peanuts to me.
I smelt something.
I tasted something.
I looked at his hands...the ones he just fed me peanuts with.
And I screamed!
I looked at my husband (who was sitting next to me-he was at the computer).
In my head, I thought...
I am going to DIE!
I was thinking of how I could scrape my tongue with sandpaper and it wouldn't be enough.
I said to my husband (still in shock), "HELP ME, WHAT DO I DO?!!!"
His reply, "Just swallow them. They are already in your mouth."
Dumbfounded, I looked...stared at him and it all seemed like it was going in slow motion.
I jumped up and thought about bleaching out my mouth....
But the damage was already done.
I listened to my husband and decided to swallow.
Somehow he had reached down his diaper BEFORE peanuts.
And I didn't even think in the moment that my son had fed himself poop covered peanuts.
I was totally thinking at that moment that my life was going to end.
I shuttered. UUUgggGGG!!!
Yes. It tastes EXACTLY like it smells.
Nothing good about it.
And no, I couldn't smell it before hand. It wasn't that strong.
Oh the HORROR!!
The pain.
Then the laughs that followed....
When the memory of that stink and waste was no longer fresh in my mind.
You know the saying, "That tastes like crap".
Well, most likely it doesn't.
I am proof that even dog food (yes I have tried that as a kid) tastes better than poo.
Man, if any story will trigger a gag reflex, it's that one!
no way, that is hilarious. one time when i was little i asked my sister if she ever had "peanutty poo." pooey peanuts is way more disturbing. haha! glad you survived - melanie
Ha Ha!! Yes! Thanks! However, if I live 2 years less than I would have normally. It might be because of poopy peanuts! :)
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