Erik's Superpower
This is Erik's Superpower.
He is able to know and find candy in a locked room.
This is not an exaggeration.
Let me take you back in time to Last Night....
My husband asks, "Where is the candy Nicole?"
"I have a craving"
I reply, "If I tell you, I will have to kill you".
Because if someone has candy...
In their hand.
In their mouth.
Within 5 miles of Erik-
He WILL find it.
He WILL want some.
He will become the HULK and tear things apart till he gets his "fix" of the sugary goodness.
He scares me.
Let's fast-forward to this morning...
Erik says, "Mom, I want candy"
I tell him, "We don't have any candy"
Candy creates sadness in this house-
Because 1 piece is NEVER enough!
Then he starts to claw at me like a dog and beckon me to follow him.
He goes to our pantry.
Points to EXACTLY where I have hidden the candy.
Which can NOT BE SEEN (as it is behind a bin and inside a grocery bag).
I stare at him in wonder.
Then I drop my head and think to myself.
Of course.
Why did I have any doubt that Erik can sniff out the candy like a hound dog.
That even my attempts to have any sort of junk food in the WILL be found.
And then snuck and devoured by Erik.
It happens EVERY time.
And let me tell you.
If Erik does have candy and you attempt to take it away or taunt him with candy-
He will become that Hulk.
He will become a bull and run you down.
Do NOT mess with this boy and candy.
His Superpower.
Many more stories about Junk with Erik to follow.
Just know...if we come to your house and you have visible or hidden candy-
It is NOT safe.
I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking...
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